Discover the benefits of IQOS and heated tobacco.

Why adult smokers are switching from smoking to IQOS?

​ Cigarettes produces Tar. IQOS doesn't ​

Tar is the residue from smoke after a cigarette is burned. 

IQOS does not produce tar because it heats tobacco instead of burning it. It generates an aerosol residue that is fundamentally different from tar and consists of significantly lower levels of harmful chemicals.* 

Switching completely to IQOS ILUMA is less harmful than continuing to smoke.**

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The absence of tar does not mean that IQOS ILUMA is risk free. IQOS ILUMA provides nicotine which is addictive.

*Reductions in levels of the 9 harmful chemicals the World Health Organization recommends to reduce in cigarette smoke, which do not include nicotine.

** Based on the totality of evidence available for IQOS in comparison with continuing to smoke. 

 See Important Information.

IQOS testimonial
“When I started using it (IQOS), we did experiment with hanky. You exhale the smoke through hanky, cigarette smoke leaves dark yellow traces. IQOS does not leave any trace.”
Adult female IQOS user
iqos benefits

Better not burnt. Same goes for tobacco.

IQOS doesn't burn tobacco IQOS heats tobacco instead of burning it, so it doesn't produce fire, ash or smoke. This makes IQOS a better choice compared to continued smoking.
Important information: IQOS is not risk-free.
IQOS testimonial
“The key thing in my case was definitely the situation at home, where my wife, who is not a smoker, did not have anything against that I use IQOS at our apartment.”
Adult male IQOS user

Cigarettes produces high amounts of carbon monoxide. IQOS doesn't. ​

Cigarettes burn tobacco, which produces high amounts of carbon monoxide.
IQOS doesn’t burn tobacco, producing on average 98% less carbon monoxide (CO) and significantly lower levels of other harmful chemicals compared to cigarettes.*
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This does not mean a 98% reduction in risk, and carbon monoxide is only one of many harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke. IQOS ILUMA is not risk free, and provides nicotine which is addictive.

* We measured the levels of the 9 harmful chemicals the World Health Organization recommends to reduce in cigarette smoke, which do not include nicotine, and these are reduced on average by 95%. See Important Information.

iqos iluma

Next level innovation.

Our newest heated tobacco devices are packed with breakthrough induction technology for next level sensorial pleasure.
More to discover with our Services and Privileges ​
Care you can count on.
Privileges to inspire you.​
Care you can count on
Access our expert coaches for support on how to get the best use from your IQOS device and learn more about heated tobacco.
Loyalty rewards
Earn points for member offers, heated tobacco device upgrades and exciting benefits.
Peace of mind
Accidental damage cover, rapid replacement and international assistance.
This product is not risk-free and delivers nicotine, which is addictive. For adult use only.​