
PMI launches the IQOS ILUMA device in Europe: the latest and most innovative tobacco heating device

From distant Japan to Italy, Philip Morris International presented its revolutionary device for heating tobacco all over the world as well as in numerous European countries.




The innovative SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEM™ technology of the IQOS ILUMA device heats the tobacco from the inside without burning, providing the real taste of tobacco, but without ash and smoke. This new and revolutionary technology specially designed for IQOS ILUMA devices represents a new induction system for heating tobacco. In specially designed tobacco cartridges, there is a metal element that heats the tobacco from the inside by induction - without a heating blade. This further means that with this series of devices, there is no need to clean the device anymore, which provides an overall better, cleaner and more pleasant experience.


3 new IQOS ILUMA devices in the series


Each device from the IQOS ILUMA series has the revolutionary SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEMTM, which brings an improved way of consumption, without tobacco residues and the need for cleaning. Ever.


IQOS ILUMA PRIME is the most elegant and advanced device to date. It has a completely new design that uses elegant, anodized aluminum combined with a special casing. It comes in four colors and can be easily personalized.


IQOS ILUMA has all the advanced functions that enable personalized tobacco enjoyment, thanks to fast charging. The pocket charger of this device can be used up to 20 times. It comes in five colors.


IQOS ILUMA ONE is a simple, pocket-sized device for heating tobacco. Its practical design does not require cleaning and ensures 20 consecutive uses per charge. It comes in five colors.


Launch of the IQOS ILUMA series in Europe


After it was first launched in Japan and Switzerland in 2021, the IQOS ILUMA device reached the Spanish market in early 2022. In 2022, the most advanced device for heating tobacco became available to adult smokers in Portugal, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and at the end of last year it was also launched in Italy, proving to be the most anticipated IQOS product in that country.


When will IQOS ILUMA be launched in other European countries and in Serbia?


One by one, many countries in Europe are planning to launch IQOS ILUMA devices.


And when can we expect IQOS ILUMA devices in Serbia? Here, too, there is great interest among adult users of nicotine products in the new, innovative edition of the IQOS device. At the moment, we cannot reveal much about the release date of the IQOS ILUMA device in Serbia, but we are preparing big news for interested adult IQOS users.

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