
IQOS ILUMA ONE - Always Ready, Now Even More Affordable

Stepping into a smoke-free world has never been easier or more cost-effective.

That's because the IQOS ILUMA ONE now comes at a new price of just 2,990RSD with registration on the website!

And by using a referral CODE or the phone number of a friend who is an IQOS user, you can get the IQOS ILUMA ONE device for an incredible price of only 2,490RSD upon registration.

For all additional information, follow this link

The IQOS ILUMA ONE is an easy-to-use, pocket-sized device that offers 20 consecutive uses on a single charge, making it perfect for your everyday life and those moments on the go.

It's important to point out that this device comes with the same SMARTCORE INDUCTION™ technology for heating tobacco as other devices from the IQOS ILUMA series, offering a clean and enhanced experience.

So, take this unique opportunity and join us in making a better future.

Your IQOS team.

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