
Unforgettable IQOS party in Silosi

IQOS. Silosi. Neon. 10 years.

For our most loyal IQOS members and their friends, adult smokers, we prepared unforgettable IQOS party on May 21st that everyone will remember!

The theme of this evening was NEON projection and our users enjoyed the whole night, with summer cocktails and rooms where they could experience something completely different.


Together we awakened all the senses, immersed in the world of neon colors, interesting projections and also enjoyed a unique AMNASTI musical experience.

We have introduced our new limited edition IQOS ILUMA NEON PURPLE, as a sign of IQOS 10th  anniversary in the world, and if you want to own this amazing device, you can order at the link below.


See you soon at the next party, and until then, follow our Instagram iqos_rs, where we will post the latest updates and exciting events that are yet to come!

Your IQOS team

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