
Common Questions About Vaping

Get answers to the most common questions adult users are asking about vaping. Learn how to tell if a vape is fake, why vapes bubble, and more.

From how to spot a fake vape to whether or not an adult user can vape in a hotel room, this article answers some of the most common questions about vaping.

How to Spot a Fake Vape

When making the decision to switch from continued smoking to vaping, you may be aware of the possibility of purchasing a fake vape, which are on the market. Therefore, you should remain cautious when buying products online and in person. The best approach to avoid getting a fake vape is to only buy vape devices and products from reputable suppliers and manufacturers.

Since vape devices come in a variety of different forms, such as disposable vapes, rechargeable vapes, larger tank devices, and box or mod vaporizers, it can be quite tricky to immediately spot a fake vape. That’s why we recommend referring to the manufacturer's guideline when trying to verify a fake vape.

There are a number of common signs of a fake vape you can take note of. For example, the absence of visible health warnings or nicotine strengths on device packaging, incorrect and/or low-quality packaging or branding, and even abnormal sounds when using the vape.

Why Is My Vape Bubbling?

Throughout your vape experience, be aware of the sounds your vape makes. It could help you identify any uncommon noises, such as vape bubbling.

If you find that your vape is bubbling when you draw on the vape, it could be an indication that your vape tank is flooded. It’s important to resolve this issue in order to keep your device in good condition.

We recommend that you check the product-specific guidelines that came with your device and communicate directly with the device manufacturer about the issue of vape bubbling.

Can You Vape in Hotel Rooms?

There is no straightforward answer to this question. Whether or not you are allowed to vape in a hotel room depends on the establishment and their specific regulations around vaping.

Some indoor public places, such as a hotel lobby, may allow you to vape in dedicated smoking areas.

Do vapes set off hotel smoke alarms? Modern fire alarm systems have been designed to ignore non-hazardous vapour, meaning your vape should not set them off. However, there is still a chance your vape could trigger a fire alarm.

Can Dentists See if You Vape?

Yes, vaping could potentially stain your teeth, which may be noticeable to your dentist.

However, vapes could be less likely to stain your teeth compared to cigarettes. This is because the process of combustion – evident in smoking cigarettes – may cause your teeth to yellow over time. When a cigarette is burned, it releases chemicals. The teeth are exposed to these chemicals which can cause staining. Remember, this may not be the case for all products.

In contrast, vape heats e-liquid to create vapour instead of smoke. Therefore, no combustion occurs when vaping. While it’s typically not possible to reverse teeth staining caused by smoking cigarettes, you may be able to reduce future teeth staining by switching to a smoke-free product.

Vaping and Pets: Can I Vape Around My Dog?

Is vaping around dogs okay? Can I vape around my cat? These are common questions some adult users may have. Take note that second-hand cigarette smoke may pose a risk to pets, however, smoke-free products, like vapes, might potentially pose less of a risk to pets because they do not burn tobacco and do not produce secondhand tobacco smoke.

Is There a Smoke-Free Alternative to Vaping?

Vaping isn't the only smoke-free alternative available. Heated tobacco is an option to consider over continued smoking. If you are an adult smoker looking to switch from continued smoking to a smoke-free alternative, take a look at our range of IQOS smoke-free products.

Smoke-free products are not risk-free and provide nicotine, which is addictive. The best decision any adult smoker can make is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether. Smoke-free products are not alternatives to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids.

This article is for general information and educational purposes. Some of the information in this article is based on external, third-party sources and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of such information.

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