Slično našem IQOS sistemu koji se ne zagreva, vaping(vejping) proizvodi su alternative nastavku pušenja cigareta bez dima. Međutim, postoji i važna razlika među njima: E-cigarete ne sadrže duvan. Umesto toga, one zagrevaju e-tekućinu koja sadrži nikotin i ukuse za proizvodnju aerosola.
The IQOS system is the first and only tobacco heating system authorized in the US as a Modified Risk Tobacco Product. The FDA concluded that switching completely to IQOS reduces the body’s exposure to harmful or potentially harmful chemicals.*
Important information: IQOS is not risk-free. It delivers nicotine, which is addictive.
* Source: PMI 3-month reduced exposure studies conducted in Japan and the US in near real world conditions. These studies measured exposure to 15 harmful chemicals, and compared to the levels observed in smokers who switched to IQOS with levels measured in smokers who continued to smoke cigarettes.