As we face this difficult situation that has affected the lives of all of us, we need to change many of our usual habits and activities. Due to these extraordinary circumstances, IQOS outlets in shopping malls are temporarily closed, while others will work part-time. Please check their status here before any visit
Wipe the outside of the charger, holder and associated accessories with a wipe containing 62-71% ethanol. Dispose the used wipes in the bin. Next, thoroughly clean the inside area of the holder surrounding the blade and the whole cap with the dedicated IQOS Cleaning sticks, which are already soaked in a special alcohol-based solution.
To join, you must be a registered IQOS user.
Please contact Customer Care or visit our IQOS zones.
Send us a message at:
0800 800 808
Monday - Saturday: 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sure, visit your nearest IQOS zone for more information.
Some of our registered users might be invited to participate in regular surveys. These surveys are ran by a research company, and if you have any questions or issues, easiest way to get support is to contact directly that company via email
This product is not risk-free and delivers nicotine, which is addictive. For adult use only.